The CGAJ was established as an unincorporated association on October 23, 1957. In 2010 the CGAJ was incorporated under the “Loi (1862) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l’incorporation d’associations” as amended.
As an “1862 registered Association”, the CGAJ falls under the jurisdiction of the Royal Court in Jersey (“the Court”). The CGAJ’s Constitution is registered with the Court and has been amended twice since incorporation, the first in April 2021 and again in January 2024. These changes required prior approval of and registration with the Court.
To view the current 2024 Constitution click here.
In addition to its Constitution, the affairs of the CGAJ are also governed by its Regulations, which were adopted upon incorporation in 2010. Broadly the Constitution governs how the CGAJ as an incorporated entity may deal with the outside world and the Regulations govern how the CGAJ may deal with its internal affairs. The Regulations have been amended several times since incorporation, but unlike the Constitution, changes to the Regulations may be made by the CGAJ’s members alone and do not need approval of or registration with the Court.
The CGAJ’s Constitution & Regulations are supplemented by additional papers, approved by members from time to time, governing matters such the terms of reference of any sub-committees appointed for specific purposes e.g. Team Selection.
Last updated as at November 29, 2023.
To view the current 2024 Regulations click here.